5th Grade Menagerie

IMG_0623Fifth Graders are sculpting their animal mashups in clay today!  

 Going from two dimensional art to 3D art creates new challenges.  This is a great exercise for students to work with the same subject in a different medium, or material.  These pieces will be fired in the kiln when bone dry.

Animal Mashups

Grade 5- The artistic challenge for this project is to create a convincing new creature using two or more animals 🙂  The fun is naming them!  Shark+Peacock,  Dragon+Bunny, Butterfly+Elephant! What would you call these combined animals?  Visual texture, overlapping and areas of white are the artistic challenges that we focused on to finish up these pieces ~Enjoy!

Shoe Drawings

Grade 5-  Fifth graders drew their shoes in Art this week!  The windows were wide open in the art room as everyone put one of their shoes onto the table:)  They first drew the large shapes and looked at proportion.  After that the focus turned to details such as stitches, mesh and laces.  To wrap up the drawings, their final focus was value, creating a range of lights to dark.

Radial Design

Grade 5 – This fifth grade project brings together printmaking, watercolor and design. Both radial designs and watercolors are created by the artist.  This project is the messiest in the Art space!  At the busiest point there are tables of watercolor and other tables for printmaking.  You may notice stained hands at home!